Saturday, October 30, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge. DAY: 1, 2 & 3

Since I joined this blog challenge a little late, I am going to do a few of the days all in one :-) I like this whole idea of a blog a day with different topics. Some days I wanna write, but cant think of what to write. If you wanna read more or join just click the button above and go to Katie's Life Journey

Day 1: introduce, recent picture, and 15 interesting facts

Hi, My name is Kim & I am a 33 year old Mother of three beautiful children: Adrian, Bryce & Courtney. They are my life. I am engaged to a wonderful man. We might have done things backwards, having the kids & then getting married, but oh well. I decided to join this blog challenge and I am excited to get it started. 

15 Interesting Facts:
  1. I like to put chip clips or clothes pins on any bag...whether it be chips, cereal bags, crackers...whatever...I have this thing that something might get in there LOL I think I got that from my Mom LOL
  2. I am terrified of needles...I thought after having three kids and being poked with needles during my pregnancies that I would get over it, but I haven't LOL
  3. I LOVE Dr Pepper...I drink several a day...
  4. I have a fear of zombies LOL I have had that fear forever...LOL
  5. I have a fear of being alone or dieing alone...I know depressing
  6. My Dad was my hero...
  7. My future husband (my fiance) is German & his family are Mennonite 
  8. I am addicted to Facebook, I check it several times a day and if I take a picture of will probably find yourself in one of my Facebook photo albums LOL
  9. I love recipe books. I have several and some of them I have never made a single recipe out of it, but I love reading them LOL
  10. I have scoliosis
  11. I am 100% Texan..I was born there and lived there my whole life until Feb of this year we moved to the Oklahoma panhandle...let's just say it is different...flat, flat, flat, dry, dry, dry....LOL
  12. This is harder than I thought LOL...I like doing crossword puzzles...even though most of the time I dont finish them LOL
  13. I love steak & baked potatoes :-)
  14. I dream of a big house with a HUGE pantry and an island with bar stools around it one day :-)
  15. I have been in 3 wrecks and thank God I walked away from them...

Day 2: Meaning Behind Your Blog Name

Well ABC's Mommy...It is because I am the Mother of Adrian, Bryce & Courtney...A,B,C :-) Pretty explanatory.

Day 3: Your First Love

This is a hard one to write about...See I was married before so my ex husband would be my first love...We were young and then things just didn't work out...I would rather not talk anymore about that. 

I now have found my TRUE love. His name is Herman and I would do anything for him. He is the best Father my kids could ever ask for and he would do anything for us. He works long & hard to make a living. I love him!!! We are planning on getting married early next year FINALLY LOL and I am so excited. It has been hard on me to have my babies without being married, but circumstances just didn't work out just right. I am ready to spend the rest of my life with him :-)
That is my life right there :-)
Bryce, Adrian, Herman & Courtney

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Ghosts

I had gotten this idea from my cousin & looked around and found some ideas and made little ghosts fro my son's Halloween party. It is blow pops, white tissue paper like for gift bags, ribbon & a black sharpee.
I just cut the tissue paper into rectangles and used two piece, wrapped the suckers, tied some ribbon, and then drew eyes & a nose with the sharpee...too cute :-)

I just wish I has a piece of styrofoam to stick them in :-)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Still figuring this all out

Well I am still working on making my blog pretty. I wanna change the header section, but still trying to figure that out. I love reading other people's blogs. I sometimes will go to one blog see something then open another window and before long I have 10 different pages open LOL. I have so many new ideas that I wanna try. I want to become more crafty and decorate our house better than it is. I am hoping & praying we get a larger house soon. We live in a small 2 bedroom house with 3 kids....not easy. I want to do more decorating, but I am so until then I will just look and dream LOL....

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Candy Line | Mommy Moment

I just found the coolest idea...
My kids always want candy, but ofcourse I dont want them to eat too much. So this is the perfect idea. I think I am going to make one for November for my kiddos :-)
Candy Line | Mommy Moment

Monday, October 25, 2010

Proud Mama

I am one proud Mama today. I checked the mail today and received a letter stating that my 5 year old son has won 1st place in our area and 1st place in our district for his Conservation poster. Now he will go on to compete in the Statewide contest being held in February in Oklahoma City :-) I am just so proud of him. I helped with little things, but he pretty much did it all :-)

Also yesterday, we went to the zoo and two gorillas started mating and Bryce said "look at them, they are fighting". I thought it was so funny, but then I told his Dad that I was so proud that he is an innocent, little 5 year old. There are way too many kids growing up knowing way to much, way too fast. We want our kids to be raised up as kids should be...they should be able to be kids and have clean minds. I really hate when people let there little ones watch whatever and hear whatever and then they wonder why is my kids cussing? Or why are my kids being so bad. Children's little brains are like sponges and they are soaking everything up and I want them to soak up good things :-)
I love my babies and today I am so proud of all of them :-)

Friday, October 15, 2010

New to blogging

I am new to the whole blogging thing, but I figure it might just be fun to share my random thoughts or things that go on in my life....hopefully someone will follow me and find some of the things I say interesting LOL. Anyways, bear with far I think I will just write about whatever pops in my head from day to day...maybe share a recipe that I am making that day or just talk about my crazy kiddos :-)